Thursday 22 January 2015



I am nowhere a film buff. In my younger days , I was prejudiced against films holding a view that it's all a waste of time. Of course , I don't suffer from it now. With time,one evolves. In any case , when a nice film is released , my family members take the initiative and with them I enjoy it. Recently my wife and daughter were little preoccupied and I could not wait for long. Perhaps next week , it may not be screened.

Quietly I went to the mall and booked my ticket .

What a great film ! The actor in the role of Stephen Hawkins is superb! I have watched the great scientist in many videos. The actor is indistinguishable from the real person. How realistically he has portrayed the agony of the man suffering from Motor Neuron Disease. His head permanently inclined to the right, the twitching of facial muscles , the expression of excruciating pain, his Herculean efforts to utter words - all that brought me tears ! I won't like to watch the film again . Why ? It is so moving ! You are so much saddened at heart to watch the destiny of this extraordinary man that something happens to you deep in your being .The actor surely deserves an Oscar.

The life of this scientist teaches all of us a great lesson ! The indomitable human will ! The sky is no limit ! A man who was given only two years to live by his doctor overcomes all odds and does incredible things. He joins the company of Newton and Einstien , the immortals of Science.

Young and old , to all of you , I recommend this film. It is really a great inspiration . Do not miss it .

On the physics of it, I shall say something at some other time , the subject being dear to my heart.

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