Monday 26 January 2015



During the last few days , I was glued to a fascinating book " Evolve your brain - the science of changing your mind " authored by Joe Dispenza.

The book is a scientific study of human brain giving us a glimpse of the scientific truths revealed by neuroscience in recent times. The thrust of the entire book is how each and every thought of ours influences our body. When the author was involved in a serious accident which immobilized him , he had the audacity to reject the advice of several surgeons for certain surgery and got himself cured by sheer will power. Remember , the author is a trained scientist and not mouthing some obscure spiritual mumbo jumbo. He explains lucidly the science behind human brain. The brain is dissected and the function of each and every part is explained. Right from the structure of nerve cell, the genes, DNA , the different parts of brain, the role of frontal lobe etc , a veritable intellectual tour is awaiting you. What is of interest to the layman is the concept of " neuroplasticity " . The neurons  or the nerve cells can grow at any age . It is not that after certain age , you won't have new brain cells. In other words, there is great  potential for evolution . You can evolve your brain and transform your life . All these ideas have been explained in the light of modern science. He explains how stress affects our brain and body. He discusses the management of stress . Every neuron is compared to a computer and therefore our brain is similar to billions of computers in a network similar to a very powerful internet. The benefits of meditation in transforming our life is brought out . The experiments on Buddhist Monks in meditation are described. Nature has not made us in a rigid format with no scope for change . Nurture can make a lot of difference to our lives. Knowledge without experience is philosophy . Experience without knowledge is foolishness . The interplay between them is WISDOM.

Kindly go through this book. It is available for free download in internet.

Sayee Jayaraman

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