Thursday 22 January 2015


Allergic to Astrology

My erstwhile colleague is well versed in Astrology . I admire him for his knowledge . But I am very allergic to this subject and more so when I come across  astrologers who persuade me to test their skills before me. The reason is simple. I decry neither this subject nor the practitioners .

Their prediction is either favourable or unfavorable . The degree of happiness or unhappiness consequent to such prediction varies. In the first case , there is a fifty percent chance that the prediction is untrue. In that case , there will be elation followed by disappointment . If the unfavorable prediction turns out to be true , the consequences will be psychological disturbance like anxiety, depression and other negative feelings . In any case , one has to face life. Thinking about what will happen is an exercise in futility. My reason tells me so.

If the favourable prediction is true and the unfavorable prediction is false, it will be ok. But can't we face that situation when it comes ? Can't we wait for it ? Something nice when it happens without our expectation brings us more joy.

So why purchase unwanted trouble ?
Do you agree ?

Sayee Jayaraman

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