Thursday, 29 January 2015

FRENCH SONG 6 " Il est cinq heures, Paris s'éveille " Jacques Dutronc

Je suis le dauphin de la place Dauphine
Et la place Blanche a mauvaise mine
Les camions sont pleins de lait
Les balayeurs sont pleins de balai

Il est cinq heures
Paris s'éveille
Paris s'éveille

Les travestis vont se raser
Les stripteaseuses sont rhabillées
Les traversins sont écrasés
Les amoureux sont fatigués

Il est cinq heures
Paris s'éveille
Paris s'éveille

Le café est dans les tasses
Les cafés nettoient leurs glaces
Et sur le boulevard Montparnasse
La gare n'est plus qu'une carcasse

Il est cinq heures
Paris s'éveille
Paris s'éveille

Les banlieusards sont dans les gares
A la Villette on tranche le lard
Paris by night, regagne les cars
Les boulangers font des bâtards

Il est cinq heures
Paris s'éveille
Paris s'éveille

La tour Eiffel a froid aux pieds
L'Arc de Triomphe est ranimé
Et l'Obélisque est bien dressé

Entre la nuit et la journée

Il est cinq heures
Paris s'éveille
Paris s'éveille
Five in the morning
Paris awakens
Paris awakens

Les journaux sont imprimés
Les ouvriers sont déprimés
Les gens se lèvent, ils sont brimés
C'est l'heure où je vais me coucher

Il est cinq heures
Paris se lève
Il est cinq heures
Je n'ai pas sommeil

TRANSLATION INTO ENGLISH " il est cinq heures, Paris s'éveille "

By Sayee Jayaraman /30/01/2015

Me the oldest resident of Dauphine square
And Blanche Square is a horrible sight
Vans are full of milk
Sweepers with all their brooms.

Five in the morning
Paris awakens
Paris awakens.

Fancy artists going to shave
strip teasers  re-dressed
Bolsters crushed
Lovers exhausted.

Five in the morning
Paris awakens
Paris awakens.

Coffe in their cups
They clean the windows
And on the Montparnasse Boulevard
The station is no better than a carcass.

Five in the morning
Paris awakens
Paris awakens.

Commuters in the stations
At Villette bacon is cut
Paris by night swarming with buses
Bakers making country bread.

Five in the morning
Paris awakens
Paris awakens.

Eiffel Tower cold at the foot
Arc de Triomphe  revived
Obelisk well erect
Between the dusk and dawn.

Five in the morning
Paris awakens
Paris awakens.

Newspapers being printed
Workers worn out
People get up frustrated
It's time I went to bed .

Five in the morning
Paris awakens
Five in the morning
I am not sleepy.

Il est cinq heures
Paris se lève
Il est cinq heures
Je n'ai pas sommeil



Three days back , in the post entitled , " Yama , not the god of death " , I penned some lines on the moral foundation of yoga. There was reference to Ahimsa or non violence. The next moral observance is " Satya" or Truth . Not as an abstraction . There are handful of theories of truth in different systems of philosophy .The common man is not impressed with intellectual gymnastics. What is emphasized in Yoga is truth as a part of your daily conduct. Again truth in thought, word and deed. Thought precedes words which are translated into action . Hence always the primacy of thought. When you think something and say something else , you are sowing the seeds of duplicity engendering an inner contradiction that plays havoc on your mental and physical health . Unfortunately , many in public life , practise such contradictory way of life with consummate skill. They tell you "be diplomatic". When you flatter your boss to gain something , you are into the art of duplicity. You think that person made a foolish statement . Instead of keeping quiet , you would appreciate him with some other motive. In that case , you are a stranger to Satya  as far as your personal life is concerned. That is not appreciated in an aspirant of Yoga. The world of advertisement  in the modern world surely practises untruth. Another errant behavior is saying something and doing something different . If you mean something say it . If you say something you mean it . And do it . That is Satya. Mahatma Gandhi lived a life of Truth. Have you read his autobiography ?It is entitled " My experiments with Truth " . Very frankly he discusses his own shortcomings which is rare in many among us. He was inspired in his younger days by " Harischandra " an Indian mythological figure who lived a life of truth despite testing circumstances which could have shattered many of us. But 
Gandhi is not a mythological figure, he was a living reality , an exemplary votary of truth par excellence. When you are truthful, your conscience does not trouble you . You get a good night's sleep. Many epics show that truth is triumphant in the end in the battle between good and bad. Incidentally , the motto of the Indian Government is " Satyameva Jayathe " - " Truth Alone Triumphs ". A yogi is expected to be truthful in thought,word and deed". When a person is established in Truth, his words become true, according to Yoga Sutra. That is a very popular belief in India . One would not dare harming a man of truth.Ponder this for a while.As I write these lines, I remember today is the day of assassination of Mahatma Gandhi and the day is observed as Martyr's day in India. 

Good day !

Sayee Jayaraman 





Des yeux qui font baiser les miens,
Un rire qui se perd sur sa bouche,
Voila le portrait sans retouche
De l'homme auquel j'appartiens

Eyes which kiss mine
A laugh sunk in his mouth
Here is the unaltered picture
Of the man to whom I belong.

Quand il me prend dans ses bras
Il me parle tout bas,
Je vois la vie en rose.

When he takes me in his arms,
Speaks in low voice to me,
I see life rosy rosy.

Il me dit des mots d'amour,
Des mots de tous les jours,
Et ca me fait quelque chose.

He mumbles words of love
Words in daily language
And that does something to me.

Il est entre dans mon coeur
Une part de bonheur
Dont je connais la cause.

He entered into my heart
A slice of happiness
The cause of which I know.

C'est lui pour moi. Moi pour lui
Dans la vie,
Il me l'a dit, l'a jure pour la vie.

It is him for me. Me for him.
In his life,
Said he and swore it for life.

Et des que je l'apercois
Alors je sens en moi
Mon coeur qui bat

And as soon as I  see him
I feel in me
The beating of my heart.

Des nuits d'amour a ne plus en finir
Un grand bonheur qui prend sa place
Des enuis des chagrins, des phases
Heureux, heureux a en mourir.

Nights of love with no end
A great happiness  replacing
The boredom of pain , in stages
Happy happy to death.

Quand il me prend dans ses bras
Il me parle tout bas,
Je vois la vie en rose.

When he takes me in his arms,
Speaks in low voice to me,
I see life rosy rosy.

Il me dit des mots d'amour,
Des mots de tous les jours,
Et ca me fait quelque chose.

He mumbles words of love
Words in daily language
And that does something to me.

Il est entre dans mon coeur
Une part de bonheur
Dont je connais la cause.

He entered into my heart
A slice of happiness
The cause of which I know.

C'est toi pour moi. Moi pour toi
Dans la vie,
Il me l'a dit, l'a jure pour la vie.

It is him for me. Me for him.
In his life,
Said he and swore it for life.

Et des que je l'apercois
Alors je sens en moi
Mon coeur qui bat

And as soon as I  see him
I feel in me
The beating of my heart.

Sayee Jayaraman

Translated on


Wednesday, 28 January 2015



I have heard the young ZAZ sing this song with tremendous enthusiasm , energy and feelings. I like a certain attitude of nonchalance towards  bourgeois values and conventions bordering on hypocrisy . The language is simple . Of course the phrase , " crever la main sur le cœur " gave me trouble , in spite of my best dictionaries. I avoided word to word translation to the extent possible and tried to bring out the ideas. It is just testing my own translation skills.

Learners please identify all the verbs , study the tenses , list out the nouns, pronouns , prepositions, adjectives, conjunctions, imperatives , dissect everything and perfect your French Grammar. All after enjoying the music ! Think over the ideas expressed therein .

Bonne écouté !

Happy listening !

Je Veux" " I want "

Donnez moi une suite au Ritz, je n'en veux pas!

Give me a suite in Ritz , I don't want it!

Des bijoux de chez CHANEL, je n'en veux pas!
Donnez moi une limousine, j'en ferais quoi? papalapapapala
Offrez moi du personnel, j'en ferais quoi?
Un manoir a Neufchatel, ce n'est pas pour moi.
Offrez moi la Tour Eiffel, j'en ferais quoi? papalapapapala

The jewelry from CHANEL , I don't want it
Give me a limousine , what will I do with it ? Papalapapapla
Offer me people , what will I do with them ?
A mansion at Neufchâtel , it is not for me.
Offer me Eiffel Tower , what will I do with it?

Je Veux d'l'amour, d'la joie, de la bonne humeur, ce n'est pas votre argent qui f'ra mon bonheur, moi j'veux crever la main sur le coeur papalapapapala allons ensemble, découvrir ma liberté, oubliez donc tous vos clichés, bienvenue dans ma réalité.

I want love, joy , good mood, it is not your money that will make me happy , I want to thump on my heart with joy,papalapapapala,let us go together to discover my liberty, forget therefore all your banners   , welcome to my reality.

J'en ai marre de vos bonnes manières, c'est trop pour moi!
Moi je mange avec les mains et j'suis comme ça!
J'parle fort et je suis franche, excusez moi!
Finie l'hypocrisie moi j'me casse de là!
J'en ai marre des langues de bois!
Regardez moi, toute manière j'vous en veux pas et j'suis comme çaaaaaaa (j'suis comme çaaa) papalapapapala

I am fed up with your good manners , it is too much for me !
Me, I eat with my hands and I am like that !
I am speaking strait and I am frank, excuse me!
Hypocrisy is over and I break it,
I am fed up with all doublespeak
Look at me, no way I bear any grudge against you and  I am like that
[Refain x3:]
Je Veux d'l'amour, d'la joie, de la bonne humeur, ce n'est pas votre argent qui f'ra mon bonheur, moi j'veux crever la main sur le coeur papalapapapala Allons ensemble découvrir ma liberté, oubliez donc tous vos clichés, bienvenue dans ma réalité!

( translation above - repetition )

Translated by Sayee Jayaraman





Translation is mine and it is not a word to word translation.
After listening to the song , Students of French language may read the lyrics and its translation which I did purely for pedagogic purposes.

C'est l'amour qui fait qu'on aime.
C'est l'amour qui fait rêver.
C'est l'amour qui veut qu'on s'aime.
C'est l'amour qui fait pleurer...

It's love which makes us love
It's love which makes us dream
It's love which wants us to love
It's love which makes us cry

Mais tous ceux qui croient qu'ils s'aiment,
Ceux qui font semblant d'aimer,
Oui, tous ceux qui croient qu'ils s'aiment
Ne pourront jamais pleurer...

But all who think that they love
Those who pretend to love
Yes all who think that they love
Could never cry

Dans l'amour, il faut des larmes,
Dans l'amour, il faut donner...

In love tears are a must
In love one should give

Et ceux qui n'ont pas de larmes
Ne pourront jamais aimer...
Il faut tant, et tant de larmes
Pour avoir le droit d'aimer...

And those without tears
Will never love
So much and so much of tears
To have the right of love

Mon amour, oh toi que j'aime,
Tu me fais souvent pleurer...

My love , thee whom I love
Often make me cry

J'ai donné, donné mes larmes,
J'ai pleuré pour mieux t'aimer,
J'ai payé de tant de larmes
Pour toujours le droit d'aimer...
Pour toujours... le droit d'aimer !

I gave and gave my tears
Cried to love thee more
Much I paid in tears
To have the right to love for ever
For ever to have the right to love.

Sayee Jayaraman






A song which I like very much . It is sung by Françoise Hardy . Translation is mine. I have given you the link.Enjoy listening to it. My translation is not a literal one.

Le premier bonheur du jour
C'est un ruban de soleil
Qui s'enroule sur ta main
Et caresse mon épaule

The first joy of the day
Is the Sun's band of light,
Encircling your hand
Caressing my shoulder.

C'est le souffle de la mer
Et la plage qui attend
C'est l'oiseau qui a chanté
Sur la branche du figuier

It is the breath of the sea
And the beach waiting for
The bird which sang
On the branch of the fig tree.

Le premier chagrin du jour
C'est la porte qui se ferme
La voiture qui s'en va
Le silence qui s'installe

The first pain of the day
is the door being shut
The car speeding away
When the silence pervades.

Mais bien vite tu reviens
Et ma vie reprend son cours
Le dernier bonheur du jour
C'est la lampe qui s'étein

But very soon you return
And my life resumes its rhythm
The last joy of the day is
When the light is switched off.

Sung by Francoise Hardy

Translated into English by

Sayee Jayaraman


Tuesday, 27 January 2015

I share with you a nice song - Je partage une belle chanson avec vous

Joe Dassin has sung this beautiful song . I felt like translating this song into English . Here it is! I am giving a link to YouTube . You may listen to it and enjoy.

Et si tu n'existais pas
Dis-moi pourquoi j'existerais
Pour traîner dans un monde sans toi
Sans espoir et sans regret
Et si tu n'existais pas
J'essaierais d'inventer l'amour
Comme un peintre qui voit sous ses doigts
Naître les couleurs du jour
Et qui n'en revient pas

And if you did not exist
Tell me why would I exist
Dragging in this world without you
With no hope and no regret
And if you did not exist
I would invent love
Like an artist who beneath his fingers sees
The colors of the day being born
Which is gone for ever.

Et si tu n'existais pas
Dis-moi pour qui j'existerais
Des passantes endormies dans mes bras
Que je n'aimerais jamais
Et si tu n'existais pas
Je ne serais qu'un point de plus
Dans ce monde qui vient et qui va
Je me sentirais perdu
J'aurais besoin de toi

And if you did not exist
Tell me why would I exist
The other women asleep under my arms
Whom I never loved.
And if you did not exist
I would be nothing but one more speck
In this world which comes and goes
Lost would I feel
You would I need.

Et si tu n'existais pas
Dis-moi comment j'existerais
Je pourrais faire semblant d'être moi
Mais je ne serais pas vrai
Et si tu n'existais pas
Je crois que je l'aurais trouvé
Le secret de la vie, le pourquoi
Simplement pour te créer
Et pour te regarder

And if you did not exist
Tell me how I would exist
I could pretend to be myself
Which would not be true
If you did not exist
I think I would have found out
The secret of life ,its meaning
Just to create you
For the pleasure of watching.

Et si tu n'existais pas
Dis-moi pourquoi j'existerais
Pour traîner dans un monde sans toi
Sans espoir et sans regret
Et si tu n'existais pas
J'essaierais d'inventer l'amour
Comme un peintre qui voit sous ses doigts
Naître les couleurs du jour
Et qui n'en revient pas

And if you did not exist
Tell me why would I exist
Dragging in this world without you
With no hope and no regret
And if you did not exist
I would invent love
Like an artist who beneath his fingers sees
The colors of the day being born
Which is gone for ever.

Translated into English by Sayee Jayaraman




Ever since , I was introduced to a very tiny volume on Raja yoga , authored by Swami Vivekananda, the  legendary Indian monk , I got hooked to the ideas explained  therein succinctly. 

It is all about the practice of yoga codified by a sage Patanjali in the form of short aphorisms . The Sanskrit word for aphorism would be " Sutra " . The name of the codification is " Yoga Sutra ". The Yoga Sutra has eight limbs and is called " Ashtanga Yoga " or Eight limbed Yoga. Yoga today is very popular throughout the world and is thought to be those various postures which keep your body very supple and fit. But that is only a part of Yoga. In fact , yoga has a moral foundation which fascinates me. It is the first limb of  yoga. In sanscrit , it is called , " Yama". Sanskrit words are polysemic, having several meanings. The god of death in Hindu Mythology is also named as " YAMA". But in the context of Yoga, it means " Self Control".

Yama consists of five observances for an aspirant . In my view these five observances are important for everyone who is interested in Higher  life , irrespective of his religious following . There is something universal in the concept of Yama and nothing sectarian about it.

Ahimsa is the first observance. A-Himsa - Himsa means harming or violence. Therefore , ahimsa is non violence in thought , word and deed. Of course, it is a very high ideal. In nature , there is always some violence. But this ideal is for one who strives for a higher life. One can avoid harming others intentionally . The message is for one who likes to evolve. Mahatma Gandhi made ahimsa a creed of his life. He was followed by Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela and many others. While Gandhi wanted British to quit India, he never hated them. Martin Luther King's fight against racial discrimination was a non violent one. Nelson Mandela epitomized a very long struggle against apartheid and achieved an incredible success. Later it was truth and reconciliation and not revenge. Hence ahimsa is relevant even at the social level. There are anectodes about sages who had face to face encounters with wild animals with no harm to either. I am tempted to quote a couplet of an ancient Tamil poet " Thiruvalluvar " in this context.

இன்னா செயதாரை ஓறுத்தல அவர் நாண 
நன்னயம் செய்து விடல் .

Avenging one who harmed you is
Doing good to him so that 
He is filled with shame.

I am also reminded of Christ's words , "  But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil;but whosoever  shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to the other also." ( King James Bible)

Remember , abimas is non violence in thought ,word and deed. In my posts , I am highlighting thé importance of thoughts . You know in criminal law , for any crime they see the guilty mind " mens rea " or the motive. A person who plans a crime is as much guilty as the one who executes it.

Non injury in words is a part of ahimsa. Hurtful words are akin to darts which wound the heart of the hearers. Words are very powerful . Harsh words play havoc to one who speaks as well as one who hears . Surely they create toxins in you affecting your health . Hence we have to exercise utmost caution while communicating with others. 

The concept of Ahimsa has several facets to it and hence my fascination for it. I shall continue this subject in my subsequent posts.

Sayee Jayaraman 



What is a happy life ?  Savants and sages fill the pages with their wisdom. Basic needs have necessarily to be fulfilled . Can you talk philosophy to an empty stomach . Never. Either it falls on deaf years or invites the wrath of the victims. Poverty is not an ideal. Neither is it a virtue in itself. A society hosting starving individuals is heartless. A great Tamil Poet thundered , " தனியொருவருக்கு உணவிலையெனின சகத்தினை அழிப்போம " ( Even if a single person has no food , we shall destroy the entire world ) . The next need is shelter. Millions of homeless are a reality even in certain developed countries, not to speak of developing and under developed countries. Once these essential needs are satisfied , we have the mood and energy to speak of higher things. In that stage you can say , " Man does not live by bread alone ". Yes there are more wonderful things in life than mere survival. Every person has a potential for tremendous growth in areas in which he / she is interested . If such people struggle for basic needs, it is a great loss to society. Full potential of a personality is to be manifested. One should have a feeling that his/her life is not wasted. Hence the need for " Education ". Is it all ? No . You can have everything in life. But if you don't have that one thing , life is futile. What is that ? LOVE. I do not mean only love between man and woman or family members. A love that encompasses everything . Your society , the whole world, the world of plants and animals, the earth and the entire universe . Sounds too utopian ? I am in complete agreement with Bertrand Russell  who says in his remarkable book , " Conquest of Happiness "  - " A happy life is that which is guided by knowledge and inspired by love." Love means our planet will survive and it will not be destroyed by man made activities inspired by greed and hate. 

Monday, 26 January 2015



During the last few days , I was glued to a fascinating book " Evolve your brain - the science of changing your mind " authored by Joe Dispenza.

The book is a scientific study of human brain giving us a glimpse of the scientific truths revealed by neuroscience in recent times. The thrust of the entire book is how each and every thought of ours influences our body. When the author was involved in a serious accident which immobilized him , he had the audacity to reject the advice of several surgeons for certain surgery and got himself cured by sheer will power. Remember , the author is a trained scientist and not mouthing some obscure spiritual mumbo jumbo. He explains lucidly the science behind human brain. The brain is dissected and the function of each and every part is explained. Right from the structure of nerve cell, the genes, DNA , the different parts of brain, the role of frontal lobe etc , a veritable intellectual tour is awaiting you. What is of interest to the layman is the concept of " neuroplasticity " . The neurons  or the nerve cells can grow at any age . It is not that after certain age , you won't have new brain cells. In other words, there is great  potential for evolution . You can evolve your brain and transform your life . All these ideas have been explained in the light of modern science. He explains how stress affects our brain and body. He discusses the management of stress . Every neuron is compared to a computer and therefore our brain is similar to billions of computers in a network similar to a very powerful internet. The benefits of meditation in transforming our life is brought out . The experiments on Buddhist Monks in meditation are described. Nature has not made us in a rigid format with no scope for change . Nurture can make a lot of difference to our lives. Knowledge without experience is philosophy . Experience without knowledge is foolishness . The interplay between them is WISDOM.

Kindly go through this book. It is available for free download in internet.

Sayee Jayaraman

Sunday, 25 January 2015

A parable of Ramakrishna / Une parabole de Ramakrishna


For water, they say " PANI" in Hindi language. In French they say , " eau ". In Tamil , it is " Thanneer". In other words, the same substance , has different names in different languages.Similarly , God is one. Some people call him , " Allah" . Another , " Jehovah " .  Some , " Our Father " and so on. It is useless to quarrel over the names of God.  So refrain from fighting in the name of God.

What a lovely and simple message for everyone .

Pour désigner l'eau,les Anglais emploient le mot "water ".Les Indiens 
 disent, "pani".Pour les Tamouls, C'est "thanneer ".Autrement dit,la même chose prend les noms différents dans les langues différentes. Pareillement, Dieu est unique.Quelqu'un l'appelle "God ".L'autre comme, "Allah".Un autre comme "Jehovah". Inutile de se disputer sur les noms divers de Dieu.Donc,évitez de se quereller au nom de Dieu.

Quel beau message pour tous !

Sayee Jayaraman 

Saturday, 24 January 2015



                                                                                                            Ramana Maharsi advocates two paths for liberation. The first one is called Self- Inquiry , a way of probing deeper to get at the source of all thoughts, which means finding out to whom the thoughts occur and when you answer that it is to me/I  these thoughts occur , to find out the source of "I " thought.

The second method is complete surrender to God.

Often one toys with the idea of surrendering oneself completely to God. It is not that easy. We are all thinking animals. Some thought or other is always in our mind. There is no point in deriding thought. In our normal daily life, thought plays an important role. Before taking a decision, one weighs the pros and cons. I am sure spiritual gurus do not disapprove of them. But then we are also assailed by unwanted / inconvenient thoughts synonymous with fear,worry ,anxiety,depression,thinking of revenge,harm, greed,desire for power etc.etc. Such thoughts are our tormentors beyond all doubt.  At this point of time , spiritual advice surely helps us. In desperation , we say," You are my only Refuge, save me, it is all in Your Hands."  This is common to most of the spiritual traditions of the world.It is as though you are carrying a very heavy burden, and you decide to transfer that burden to a kind Soul who is out there for you. There are two assumptions. The first one is the existence of One who is ready to take your burden. The second is that He is prepared to help you. No human being is capable of taking upon himself other's burden unconditionally. Such a being can only be the compassionate God. In our culture, we do not deny the existence of such a being. We all have abundant faith in Him. And also on His compassionate nature. If only you can surrender to such a Being, you are no longer carrying your burden. You feel very light ,psychologically because of your tremendous faith which can move mountains.Unfortunately,not many of us are endowed with such unshakeable faith and we do suffer.

When you are in a train , you can keep the luggage on the train instead of carrying it. Please don't take this analogy to the extreme.

There are people who question the concept of surrender. It is said that a weak person finds it easy to transfer the responsibility to others by surrender and does not face the challenges of life. Such attitude is deprecated. Can a person abandon all his responsibility saying that he has surrendered to God? Can he sit quiet saying that God will do everything for him because of his surrender to Him? Is it right for him to expect miracles to happen ?

I thought about it for some time. I am of the view that a lazy man's surrender is no surrender.
A man can not abdicate his role in society. A man with family has responsibilities to discharge. He can not sit quiet banking on the mercy of Almighty. Similarly a woman or any other person. God is not going to take charge of all such roles. The real Surrender is only the surrender of the fruits of one's actions. We have to act. But it is good to act well,not unduly concerned with the results, and surrender all the fruits of one's actions to God. It is possible for any believer to have such an attitude and function in society. In my view, that is the meaning of Surrender . In other words, a man who surrenders to God is not a lazy man .but he plays his role in society and surrenders only the fruits of his actions. He does not want to be spoon fed by God.

This is my understanding of the concept of Surrender .THY WILL BE DONE.

God helps those who help themselves !




Source: Sanskrit transliteration from The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali (Sri Swami Satchidananda)

The above verse is from Patanjali's Yoga Sutra . You find it in the first chapter verse no 33.

Be that as it may, why I do I quote it now?

During my college days , I read the yoga sutra and the commentaries on it by Swami Vivekananda. I liked the exposition very much. The above mentioned verse is my favorite one. Let me tell you the reason and share what I learnt.

We are not always masters of our thoughts. Thoughts just occur in our minds. Mind is restless. Our mind is rightly compared to a monkey which is drunk and bitten by a scorpion.
All sorts of thoughts invade our mind every second. What is the best attitude towards our thoughts which are not in our control?

This particular verse gives us the right advice. What does it say?
There are HAPPY thoughts. Welcome such happy thoughts.
Sometimes we are invaded by gloomy,sad and unhappy thoughts. In that case, we should maintain an attitude of compassion. Similar to the compassion shown to unhappy people.
There are GOOD thoughts. We should have an attitude of gladness. When good people are with you, you are very glad about it.
EVIL thoughts? This category covers a wide variety of negative thoughts which hinder our spiritual growth. What to do with them? Be INDIFFERENT to them.
In my view, these four attitudes really help as in managing our thoughts.
Now I give the English translation of this verse.

Friendship,mercy,gladness,and indifference ,being thought of in regard to subjects, happy,unhappy,good,and evil respectively ,pacify the Mind.

La traduction en français

Le verset au dessus se trouve dans ,"le yoga sutra" de Patanjali,chapitre 1 verset 33.
Quoi qu'il en soit,pourquoi le-je cite ici?

Pendant ma jeunesse,je lisais le yoga sutra et ses commentaires par Swami Vivekananda.
Ça m'a plu beaucoup . D'ailleurs ,ce verset est mon favori.Je vous dirai la raison et la partagerai.

On n'est pas toujours le maître de ses pensées . Les pensées passent dans l'esprit dans une façon aléatoire . L'esprit humain est justement comparé à un singe ivre mordu par un scorpion . Tellement , agité est l'esprit humain . Toutes sortes de pensées envahissent l'esprit chaque instant. Quelle est la meilleure attitude qu'il faut vers les pensées non maîtrisables ?

Ce verset nous donne le conseil correct.
Il y a des pensées heureuses. Accueillez les comme on accueille les gens heureux.
Parfois, on recevoit les pensées tristes. En ce cas-la ,il faut maintenir une attitude de compassion  comme on est gentil avec les gens tristes. Quant aux pensées saines,il faut être content. A la fin, comment gérer les mauvaises pensées ? Soyez indifférent envers telles pensées comme on doit indifférent aux méchants.

A mon avis, cette manière de réagir nous aide vraiment à gérer nos pensées n'importe quelle sorte.

Les attitudes d'amitié ,de compassion ,de  contentement et d'indifférence  vers les pensées heureuses ,tristes, saines, et mauvaises respectivement calment l'esprit.-1.33 yoga sutra de Patanjali .

Friday, 23 January 2015


SRINIVASA RAMANUJAN was a mathematical prodigy. One of the greatest British mathematicians , GH HARDY was astounded when he saw the mathematical results obtained by RAMANUJAN . He immediately concluded that the author of such results should be a genius of the highest order. At that time , RAMANUJAN was only 26. Beautiful mathematical results were actually revealed to him. He never trod the conventional path of mathematicians. Starting from certain axioms, deriving further results , employing logic. RAMANUJAN  discovered mathematical theorems by giant leaps. What is the secret of his genius ? 

He was a very orthodox Hindu , deeply religious . He would say that Goddess Namagiri appeared in his dream and revealed such recondite verities . These are things beyond our comprehension .



The poem is very simple. I have translated into English to the best of my ability. A man and his wife during a breakfast session. The indifference of the man and the reaction of the lady. The sepulchral silence that reigns supreme.

Il a mis le café
Dans la tasse
Il a mis le lait
Dans la tasse de café
Il a mis le sucre
Dans le café au lait
Avec la petite cuiller
Il a tourné
Il a bu le café au lait
Et il a reposé la tasse
Sans me parler

Coffee ,into the cup,
Poured he.
Milk added he
To the coffee in the cup.
Sugar he put
Into the coffee
With a spoon
He stirred.
Drank the coffee
He kept the cup
Not a word
Did he utter .

Il a allumé
Une cigarette
Il a fait des ronds
Avec la fumée
Il a mis les cendres
Dans le cendrier
Sans me parler
Sans me regarder

Lighted he
A cigarette
The smoke
Curling up
Discarded the ashes
Into the tray
Not a word
Did he utter
Not a look
At me .

Il s'est levé
Il a mis
Son chapeau sur sa tête
Il a mis son manteau de pluie
Parce qu'il pleuvait
Et il est parti
Sous la pluie
Sans une parole
Sans me regarder.

Got up he
Put on his hat
And raincoat
As it was raining.
Left in the rain
Not a word
Did he utter
Not a look
At me.

Et moi j'ai pris
Ma tête dans ma main
Et j'ai pleuré.

And me , burying my head
Into my hands
Wept and wept.

A cette époque -la, j'étais haut fonctionnaire dans le gouvernement . La ville, c'est Pune dans l'ouest de l'Inde. J'avais 35 ans. Un de mes collègues ,qui s'est intéressé à la théologie
connaissait l'allemand et l'italien . L'orthographe de l'allemand me fait peur. Moi, je décide d'apprendre le français ,une langue internationale. Je m'inscris au cours de français à l'université de Pune. On reste fidèle à cet amour né autrefois . Mais c'est une tâche de longue haleine. Pas facile.

At that time, I was an official in the Indian Government , in Pune in the Western India. I was 35. One of my colleagues  , a theologian knew German and Italian. German spelling scared me. I wanted to learn French , an international language. I enrolled for an evening course in Pune University .  Still my allegiance to this language remains the same. But it is a Herculean task. Not at all easy.

Je me sens nostalgique . Madame le prof nous donne un papier ou se trouve un beau poème de Jacques  Prévert.Pour moi, ce poème est très touchant . Je conseille les débutants en français de lire ce poème pour le style de la langue,sa simplicité et surtout pour le profondeur de la pensée .

I feel nostalgique. The professor madam gave us a small paper containing this touching poem of Jacques Preverts.  I recommend this poem to all the beginners learning French
for its style and especially for the profundity of thought expressed.
T K Jayaraman

First I wrote this piece in French . Now I translated this into English to post in my blog.

Sayee Jayaraman


 I like poems which are simple but which contain very profound wisdom. I am aware of many in Tamil,English and French . Of course many golden nuggets of Sanscrit also. Here I am giving my translation of Lépold Senghor ' s beautiful poem into English from French . This timeless wisdom is the need of the hour. I am sure you would agree with me.

Poème à mon frère blanc
Léopold Sédar Senghor
Cher frère blanc,
Quand je suis né, j'étais noir, Quand j'ai grandi, j'étais noir, Quand je suis au soleil, je suis noir, Quand je suis malade, je suis noir, Quand je mourrai, je serai noir. Tandis que toi, homme blanc, Quand tu es né, tu étais rose, Quand tu as grandi, tu étais blanc, Quand tu vas au soleil, tu es rouge, Quand tu as froid, tu es bleu, Quand tu as peur, tu es vert, Quand tu es malade, tu es jaune, Quand tu mourras, tu seras gris. Alors, de nous deux,
Qui est l'homme de couleur ?
Œuvre poétique, 2006. Edition du Seuil, Paris

A beautiful poem by Senghor whose profound truth is worth pondering over.

I am giving the English translation
Poem dedicated to my white brother

When I was born, I was black,
When I grew up,I was black,
When I am in the sun, I am black,
When I am sick, I am black
When I die I will be black

While you,white man,
When you were born ,you were rose
When you grew up,you were white,
When you are in the sun,you are red
When you are scared,you are green,
When you are sick,you are yellow
When you die,you will be grey
Then,of the two of us,
Who is coloured ?

Coloured is a derogatory term to denote black people
I hope you appreciate both the profundity and simplicity of the poem.

T K Jayaraman

Thursday, 22 January 2015



I am nowhere a film buff. In my younger days , I was prejudiced against films holding a view that it's all a waste of time. Of course , I don't suffer from it now. With time,one evolves. In any case , when a nice film is released , my family members take the initiative and with them I enjoy it. Recently my wife and daughter were little preoccupied and I could not wait for long. Perhaps next week , it may not be screened.

Quietly I went to the mall and booked my ticket .

What a great film ! The actor in the role of Stephen Hawkins is superb! I have watched the great scientist in many videos. The actor is indistinguishable from the real person. How realistically he has portrayed the agony of the man suffering from Motor Neuron Disease. His head permanently inclined to the right, the twitching of facial muscles , the expression of excruciating pain, his Herculean efforts to utter words - all that brought me tears ! I won't like to watch the film again . Why ? It is so moving ! You are so much saddened at heart to watch the destiny of this extraordinary man that something happens to you deep in your being .The actor surely deserves an Oscar.

The life of this scientist teaches all of us a great lesson ! The indomitable human will ! The sky is no limit ! A man who was given only two years to live by his doctor overcomes all odds and does incredible things. He joins the company of Newton and Einstien , the immortals of Science.

Young and old , to all of you , I recommend this film. It is really a great inspiration . Do not miss it .

On the physics of it, I shall say something at some other time , the subject being dear to my heart.


Allergic to Astrology

My erstwhile colleague is well versed in Astrology . I admire him for his knowledge . But I am very allergic to this subject and more so when I come across  astrologers who persuade me to test their skills before me. The reason is simple. I decry neither this subject nor the practitioners .

Their prediction is either favourable or unfavorable . The degree of happiness or unhappiness consequent to such prediction varies. In the first case , there is a fifty percent chance that the prediction is untrue. In that case , there will be elation followed by disappointment . If the unfavorable prediction turns out to be true , the consequences will be psychological disturbance like anxiety, depression and other negative feelings . In any case , one has to face life. Thinking about what will happen is an exercise in futility. My reason tells me so.

If the favourable prediction is true and the unfavorable prediction is false, it will be ok. But can't we face that situation when it comes ? Can't we wait for it ? Something nice when it happens without our expectation brings us more joy.

So why purchase unwanted trouble ?
Do you agree ?

Sayee Jayaraman