Thursday 5 February 2015


Today's Times of India newspaper is with me. Early morning ,I just glanced it through. After lunch, I thought of  reading each news item.It does not take much time. One report caught my attention . It is entitled , " Cancer brought out the best in me". It is about a scientist who headed the Indian Mars Mission and achieved tremendous success in spite of the fact that a few years back he was diagnosed with rectal cancer. Even at that time, he was part of the Chandyayana ( Moon) mission. Of course, he was devastated . Cruel fate challenged him. As though telling him, " What do you say now ? Your days are numbered. ". But the scientist did not lose heart . When cancer challenged him, he challenged it. He had many many things to accomplish . A diehard optimist, he did exactly what was to be done. He was completely cured . The medical condition did not deter him from rising to the occasion and manifesting his full potential . He accepted the challenge of heading the Mars Mission. He never told the government not to burden him with more responsibility . Any other person would have avoided such challenging task. But not Subbaiah Arunan. Made of sterner stuff, he faced the challenge . He accomplished his mission. Remember , India is the first country to successfully land a spacecraft in Mars in the very first attempt within an incredibly cheap budget which I call " peanuts". They say the budget is much less than the cost of some Hollywood science fiction movies. The government of India honoured him, rightly so, with a Padmasri Award.

Sometime back, while commenting on the film , " The theory of everything ", I wrote that Stephen Hawkins is an example and inspiration for all, and especially , for young people. There are several such heros in this world whom we do not know. I shall add Subbaiah Arunan to the list of people who challenged adverse circumstances to show their mettle. A meaningful, exciting, fulfilling life is not a placid one. It challenges you at every stage. Challenge the challenge . That is what we learn from such persons. Their lives are veritable tonic to many about to be defeated by temporary setbacks .

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