Saturday, 19 December 2015

Possessions possess us -A viral infection

I was quite busy with one thing or another and this blog remained dormant for a long time. What is the provocation for this post now? An issue of Time dated 23 March 2015. The article is entitled ," The Joy of Less". I have not yet completed reading the article. The photos accompanying the said article set me thinking . The country is USA. Since , here in India, we copy unabashedly everything American what I write will be relevant for my own countrymen. A study reveals that 75% of the garages surveyed are filled with so many things that the owners couldn't park their cars inside. All sorts of things are dumped in the garages as the dwelling places are already full of things . It is stated that professional organizers help homeowners decide which possessions are worth saving and which can be purged. It is stated that US children make up 3.1% of the world kids, but buy 40% of the toys. The point I want to make is that this is really a disease , the mania to buy and possess even when you don't need them. This disease is one of the important reasons for our environmental degradation. Nowadays it is easy to purchase anything sitting at home thanks to Many of us are tempted to buy online thanks to the advertisement techniques to which we easily succumb. The result : Our home is filled with lots of things which we no longer use. Instead of we possessing things , the things possess us. What is the result ? Clutter everywhere including our own minds. This should stop. Now I feel that after all Mahatma Gandhi whom we have abandoned is correct. He would not waste even a bit of paper. The American way of consumption is wrong . We should rid ourselves of that viral infection.

Sunday, 13 December 2015

European Philosophy Course -Announcement

I have decided to conduct a course in European Philosophy right from Pre-Socratic period to Existentialism covering important trends in the Indian Institute of world Culture,  Bangalore.  The classes will be held over a period of one year in 2016.Other details are being worked out. The course is meant for all genuinely interested in Western Thought. Persons interested in participating in this course may please get in touch with me . My email id
My phone no +919538533363. My Whatsapp no +919741031649.

Monday, 20 July 2015


When Barrack Obama received the Nobel Prize for peace immediately after he was elected the Prsident , I was not much impressed. I thought it was a bit premature to have honoured him when he did not actually deserve it. Of course , the person is amiable . His manners are graceful. But that is not the only criterion for honoring him. Later events show that Obama has been slowly and surely effecting  a paradigmatic change in the attitude of his country towards the other countries of the world. What provoked me to pen these lines is the opening of  USA to CUBA after such long years of suspicion and mistrust . A sea-change indeed !  Iran is no longer a pariah . USA is very careful  now and  very hesitant to interfere with the affairs of other countries ! Fools rush in where angels fear to tread !A good sign ! Mature politics ! A president who wants peace , some one different from those belligerent men who occupied the exalted position earlier .

And now he deserves his Nobel Price for peace.

Hats off to him.
T?K. Jayaraman

Friday, 3 July 2015


Fence grazing the crops

I am fond of proverbs of every country and every language . They are verily the distilled wisdom of a culture. Today I am reminded of a Tamil proverb . It reads as follows.
"வேலியே பயிரை மேய்வது போல "
The proverb means , " Like the fence grazing the crops "
What is happening in India is illustrated by this Tamil phrase. A party came to power with thumping majority on the promise that they would root out corruption completely. Today we find that the Foreign Minister of the country facilitated the travel of a fugitive from India to Spain . According to her, what was done was purely on humanitarian grounds. It is seen that her husband was closely associated with the fugitive and her daughter was working with a lawyer who represented the fugitive. A chief minister of another state belonging to the same political party , even had closer business ties with the same fugitive according to latest press reports. A government professing to root out corruption helping a fugitive who flees from the country !
The state where I live Karnataka has an institution called LOKAYUKTA , a sort of ombudsman to deal with the corruption among government servants. This institution is headed by a judge. Newspaper reports indicate that the son of this judge was running an extortion racket by threatening government officers with impending raid by the institution of which his father is the head unless they pay huge amounts to him.
I am reminded of the Tamil saying.
A fence is a protection to crops. It is put up so that stray cattle do not eat all the crops. But if the fence starts eating the crops, how can the crops be protected ?
A trend .... ... Here.
An institution created for some purpose acts contrary to that purpose.
Like police indulging in criminal activities .
I am reminded of the biblical saying ,
"Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men."
T K Jayaraman

Thursday, 2 April 2015



Mr. T K Jayaraman , IRS ( Retd)  and presently French Trainer will be conducting a Basic French Course at the Indian Institute of World Culture BP Wadia Road Basavangudi Bangalore -04 from 18/04:2015 to 19/05/2015 on Saturdays and Sundays from 9 30 am to 11 30 am for a total duration of 20 hours covering everyday French and basic grammar. The course fee will be ₹ 1050 / - only. Interested persons may please contact the Honarary Secretary of IIWC in the following numbers.



Some musings

A friend requested me to contribute an article to a journal called " SUFI WORLD " . I publish that article here in my blog.


1. Everyone does not have the same outlook on life. Our circumstances of life are also

different. For many people, daily life itself is a great struggle . They have immense difficulties

in satisfying their basic needs. There are people who worry about their next meal. Many

suffer without shelter. A job is a dream for many. If I expatiate on Self Knowledge to such

people, it would be an insult adding to injury.

2. But quite a few of us are able to overcome all the difficulties enumerated above and reach

a stage when we can talk about happiness and the meaning of life. In such context, " Self

Knowledge " becomes relevant.

3. I have deliberately chosen the words," happiness " and " the meaning of life". The

discussion in this article would be focussing on these concepts. Further these concepts

will be linked to what we generally understand by " Self Knowledge ".

4. First one should be very clear about the meaning of the words used. Unlike exact

sciences, words used in spiritual discussions  do not have unique definitions. Moreover ,

spiritual experiences can not be adequately verbalized . But we can not dispense with

words. They are indeed a necessary evil.

5. The word, " self" may mean different things to people. According to Oxford Dictionary,

Self Knowledge is " an understanding of yourself". There are several dimensions to human

personality such as body, mind, emotions etc. Delving into each of these is beyond the

scope of this article . Perhaps looking at the synonyms of the word," self knowledge "

may help us get an idea about its meaning.

6. I can think of 1) Realisation 2) wisdom 3) Anubhuti 4) Gnan 5) Nirvana 6) Moksha 7)

Mukti .  I do not know the equivalent terms in every tradition . The term ," Self Knowledge "

Is generally used by philosophers and spiritual teachers. Whatever be your religion,you

won't deny that there are certain extraordinary human beings whom we don't hesitate

to call as prophets, saints, sages, jivan mukta, gnani, yogi , mahatma, paramahamsa,

fakir etc. Again , I have not exhausted the vocabulary . Such beings have appeared in every

culture throughout human history . They are light unto themselves and to others. Their

exemplary lives would be proof positive to show that they were established in wisdom

and self knowledge . Once we agree on this point, there is no need to discuss the semantics

of " Self Knowledge ". Surely the teachings of these enlightened are worth pondering

for attaining Self Knowledge .

7. Now let us examine our lives. What is it that we want?  You may desire to amass wealth

to become a billionaire . No doubt that gives you happiness . Let us be frank and truthful .

A growing bank balance makes you very happy.  I don't want to advocate the view " Money

is the root cause of all evil." Many people hunger for power. There is a constant struggle to

reach a higher position in society.  One likes to become a high official , a minister, a chief

minister, a prime minister , president . The list is endless.  Indeed, the pursuit of power

brings happiness to many. Some people thirst for fame. They want to be well known in

society. They leave no stone unturned to attain their goals.  I am not criticizing them.

After all, they are pursuing happiness in this manner.  I will cite no further examples. I

want to drive home the point  that we are all pursuing happiness , albeit in different ways.

So happiness is an important ingredient of our lives. The point is whether our approaches

to find happiness are well founded and whether the so called happiness is real or an


8. First let us examine the pursuit of wealth. Let us not deride wealth. Wealth has its place

in life. In the Indian scheme of life, " Artha" which means wealth is one of the ends of life.

But wealth has its limitations. One should not devote one's entire life in the pursuit of wealth.

and that does not guarantee unalloyed happiness . Let us examine the negative

consequences of a relentless pursuit of wealth. One gets attached to wealth. We are the

proud owners of properties.  It is not long before the attachment turns morbid. One is

totally obsessed with his accumulations.  Endless worries are the progeny of that morbid

attachment . There is fear about the safety of your wealth.  Your sleep is the victim.

All that wealth tells upon your health. When you construct a house for your need, indeed it

is a need. None can fault you.  But when you develop a mania for possessing more houses,

It is no longer a need but becomes greed. What is the cost apart from the money ? Your

peace of mind. The torment to which you are subjected to in acquiring and safeguarding

your wealth outweighs the happiness of possessions. Moreover , pursuit of wealth

beyond a limit is fraught with unethical practices. Your attachment to wealth is your

undoing and surely it does not lead to your happiness . This is sheer common sense

and does not require the authority of a scripture . Attachment to wealth is but one of the

several attachments which we have to unshackle. This sort of attachment makes you blind

in a figurative sense. You fail to appreciate the consequences and become miserable.

Whether you like it or not, an inordinate desire for wealth brings you misery.

9. As I already told you, pursuit of various activities in search of happiness results in our

getting attached not only to wealth but also to persons, certain ideas and very many other

things. All attachments are obstacles to our real happiness . Though we pursue many

activities in search of happiness , what they yield finally is only a crop of miseries. It is easy

to understand that attachments are our own creations. They are chains which bind us in

various ways and bring us untold sufferings. After committing many foolish things,we want

to escape from their consequences. The simile of a prison is apt. Your unwise actions lead

you to a prison of your own making and at some point of time,you would like to get out of

the prison. In other words, you want release, which is total freedom. So real freedom is

release from all attachments.

10. So dear friend, it is good that you are aware of your status of a prisoner . Are you not

asking these questions ?  Has life no meaning ? Is it just suffering ?  Where is the happiness

that I yearned for ? Why am I bound to a prison life ? How can I get a release ? When do I

get a favorable judgement ? What am I expected to do now ? At the beginning of this article

I mentioned  , " the meaning of life" and " happiness ". Now ,when you are suffering due to

your attachment , the time is ripe for reflecting on the meaning of life.


11.All cultures have produced sages,prophets,saints,yogis whose teachings hold the key

for attainment of " Self Knowledge ". We need not get confused on account of a plethora

of spiritual paths. Every religion teaches us the existence of a Supreme Being or Power.

The words used may be different but they all indicate the same Supreme Being. The Holy

Koran says,

" There is no deity , but God "

The oneness of God is emphasized. God is denoted by different religions. It does not mean

the existence of plurality of Gods. Just as water is known by different names in different

names in different languages , God has different names. The underlying unity of all religions

have to be understood and appreciated . That puts an end to all quarrels in the name of

religion and God.

12. All theistic religions insist on surrender to God. In Holy Bible, it is said , " The fear of

The Lord is the beginning of knowledge ; but fools despise wisdom and instructions.( The

Proverbs Ch 1. Verse 7). Islam means surrender to Allah. It is basic to Islam that every

believer surrenders absolutely to God. When a person surrenders absolutely to God,all

inessential things automatically drop away . All attachments are cut asunder. Such a person

is really on the path of self knowledge . I find the following exhortations of Jesus Christ ( St

St Mathew ch 6 verses 19 to 34 ) very illuminating .

 {6:19} Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: {6:20} But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: {6:21} For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. {6:22} The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. {6:23} But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great [is] that darkness! {6:24} No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon. {6:25} Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment? {6:26} Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they? {6:27} Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature? {6:28} And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin: {6:29} And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. {6:30} Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which to day is, and to morrow is cast into the oven, [shall he] not much more [clothe] you, O ye of little faith? {6:31} Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed? {6:32} (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things.
. {6:33} But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. {6:34} Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.

What beautiful verses ! Elsewhere Jesus says , " It is easier for a camel to pass through the

eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the gates of Heaven.

13.  Now I am reminded of a young boy Nachiketha and his encounter with Yama , the god

of death. This is narrated in Katha Upanishad . Narration of the story in its entirety is beyond

the scope of this article . Suffice it to say that Yama grants Nachiketha three wishes. The first

two wishes are granted easily. But the third wish poses problem. What is the third wish?

" Give me knowledge of life after death "  Yama does not grant the third wish so easily.

He wants to test if the receiver of Knowledge is worthy of it.  He tempts Nachiketha with

offer of all worldly pleasures instead of teachings on Immortality . The boy , was very

steadfast in attaining his goal. Nothing could stand in the way of his quest for self

Knowledge . Worldly pleasures can not bind him. He rejects all such offers and insists

only on the teaching on Immortality. Nachiketha chose what is beneficial rather than what is

pleasant .( Wikipedia entry on Katha Upanishad )

14. Listen to what Ramakrishna Paramahamsa says, " Utter the word Gita in quick

succession , a number of times ." Gi-Tagi-Tagi-Tagi " . It is virtually pronounced as

Tagi, Tagi which means one who has renounced the world for the sake of God. Thus in one

word Gita teaches ," Renounce ye world bound man . Renounce everything and fix the mind

on The Lord .

15. Wealth and Family may be an obstacle to spiritual life. The following extract from ," The

Gospel of Islam" by Duncan Greenlees  published by the Theosophical Publishing

House, Adyar page 154 is very relevant .

Woe to every slanderous backbiter who has gathered wealth and stored it up,thinking

that his wealth will give him security . Avarice distracts him until he reaches the tomb.(102:1-

2). And as for one who hoards and thinks himself independent and denies the good ,we shall

hurry him on to adversity and his wealth will not save him when he is perishing . (92:8-11).

But as for the one who gives away and is righteous and admits the good ,we shall hurry him

on to ease. ( 92:5-7). And the raiment of righteousness that is good. (7:26).

16. Prasannotra Ratna Malika which means a Garland of Questions and Answers is a small

beautiful Sanskrit work of Sri Sankaracharya.  Let me quote four of these questions with the

answers .  Very relevant for all spiritual seekers.

6. Who is the blindest among the blind ?

One who is subject to attachments.

12. What is happiness ?

The state of complete non attachment to everything .

41. What makes a man fearless ?

The state of non attachment

What causes fear?

Wealth indeed .

51. Who is endowed with abundance ?

A Sannyasi or one who has renounced everything.

( source : Prasnottara-Ratna -Malika  translated by Swami Tapasyananda

Sri Ramakrishna Math, Mylapore, Madras)

17. The Ancient Tamil Classic Thirukkural  has a lot to say about giving up attachments

and embracing a life of renunciation . Let me quote some couplets from that immortal

Classic .


341. From whatever ,aye,whatever man gets free

From whatever , aye , from that no more of pain hath he.

( whatever thing a man has renounced by that thing he can not suffer pain)

346. Who kills conceit that utters " I" and "mine"

Shall enter realms above the power divine.

(He who destroys the pride which says "I", "mine" will enter a world which is difficult even for

Gods to attain )

347.Who cling to things that cling and eager clasp, Griefs cling to them with unrelaxing grasp. (Sorrows will never let go their hold of those who give not up their hold of desire)

                                     KNOWLEDGE OF THE TRUE

 360 When lust and wrath and error's triple tyranny is o'er, Their very names for aye extinct, then pain shall be no more.

( If the very names of these three things, desire, anger, and confusion of mind, be destroyed, then will also perish evils (which flow from them)

                               THE EXTIRPATION OF DESIRE

363 45 No glorious wealth is here like freedom from desire; To bliss like this not even there can soul aspire.

(There is in this world no excellence equal to freedom from desire; and even in that world, there is nothing like it. )
( source : Project Madurai online translation of Thirukkural by G U Pope )

Remember that in the Indian scheme of life, renunciation is an important stage for all. How

long you can cling to desires which lead you to a bottomless pit of sorrows?

18. Let us reflect on what Thomas a Kempis says in his remarkable work , " Imitation of

Christ "

Jesus has many who love His kingdom in Heaven, but few who bear His cross. He has many

who desire comfort , but few who desire suffering . He finds many to share His feast ,but few

His fasting . There is no other way to life and to true inner peace than the way of the Cross

and of daily self denial.

19. Now I give an extract of chapter 2 Sufism and Sufi literature  authored by AA HATAM.

Sufism is the mystical branch of Islam . It has its roots in Koran and the Islamic tradition, but

at the same time encompasses the universal mysticism that we see in other spiritual

traditions. The essence of Sufism is the simple path of loving God. The Sufi Masters sing of

all pervading love which inundates their being when they become one with their " Beloved".

If there is just one goal of Sufism , it is to overcome the binding ego and attain liberation

through one's identity with God.  And thus the Sufi poets speak of dying to be born again,a

concept similar to other mystical traditions such as transmigration in Hinduism .

20. The nineteenth century mystic Sr Ramakrishna Paramahamsa dedicated his whole life

to God. He inspired millions of seekers all over the world. The most remarkable thing about

him is that he practiced various forms of worship / religious system and found that all paths

are equally valid and lead to the same goal. During conversations with seekers , he used to

warn them of " lust and gold " which are enemies of self knowledge. He would never be

comfortable with material wealth.  It is said that once he could never sleep and the reason

was that there was a coin under his bed. Ramakrishna , by telling simple parables as we find

them in the Holy Bible instructed his followers.

21. Another remarkable figure in the religious history of the world is Sri Ramana Maharsi .

At the age of ten , he enacted a death scene which enabled him to attain Self Knowledge.

Even as a boy, he renounced everything and sat in rapt contemplation of The Lord . A great

teacher of Non - Dualism , he emphasized on Self Inquiry or Surrender for attainment of

Self Knowledge. While concluding this article , let me share some of his teachings with the

readers .
a). Realization of Self is the greatest help that can be rendered to humanity. A self realized

being can not help benefiting the world. His very existence is the highest good.

b) The mind is only a bundle of thoughts. The thoughts arise because there is a thinker.

The thinker is the ego. The ego if sought will vanish automatically . The ego is the root

thought from which all other thoughts arise.

c)  Happiness is inherent in man and is not due to external causes. One must realize

Self in order to open the store of unalloyed happiness.

d) It is wise to drop the sense of responsibility and free will by regarding ourselves as the

ordained instruments of the all-wise and all powerful and to do and suffer as He pleases.

He carries all burden and gives us peace.( Source : Daily quotes from Talks with Ramana

Maharsi - compiled by Sanjay Lohia - Ramana Maharsi Centre for Learning , Bangalore )


Man does not live by bread alone. When we pursue wealth,power,fame and other

worldly things, real happiness eludes us. Great prophets and sages have shown the way

of release from sufferings by removal of all attachments. Their teachings show us the way.

It is for us to live the teachings .

Written by

T. K . Jayaraman
A005, Renaissance Park-3
Subrahmanya Nagar,
Malleswaram  west
Bangalore -560055

Cell 9538533363


Friday, 20 March 2015

Young women ,beware!

YOUNG WOMEN BEWARE                                                                                                  When somebody sitting near you speaks, it is not within your power not to hear what is said. It is impossible, at least for me to prevent my brain from processing to get at the meaning of what is heard. That does not stop everything. Many many things start happening. The mind starts judging. There is great agitation inside. Just listen what happened .

I landed at Bangalore around 7pm, after two and half hours of tiresome flight from Delhi. To be confined to a narrow seat for more than two hours is surely torture. As I had only a briefcase with me, I thought it would be better to take a bus. I was not guided properly and got into a wrong bus. The conductor advised me to get down at Mekhri circle and take an auto to reach my apartment . I was occupying a seat reserved for senior citizens. The seat next to me was vacant. When the bus halted before reaching the airport's exit gate, a young woman got into the bus and hurriedly occupied the vacant seat next to me. She was busy talking to somebody over her iPhone  alternatively in Kannada and English. I never like to learn anything about another person's life, that too that of a stranger. 

But the lady was talking so loudly that not to hear what she said ,one had to be stone deaf which unfortunately I am not. Her talk was very clear that I could pick up each and every word. I did not have the courage to tell her to reduce her decibel level. The trip lasted for 45 minutes. The entire talk disturbed me in several ways. It is not simply the loudness which tore your ear drums but something much more than that.

What is it all about?

First she was calling her close friend who lent a sympathetic ear to the damsel in distress.The conversation with her friend lasted for nearly 30 minutes interrupted by a colleague of hers. I would not know what the person at the other end said. I think I have sufficient intelligence to understand her problems from her own words.

"Tell me I am in a great fix. What can I do? That fellow is tormenting me. He keeps on sending messages. I never like such messages. I do not know his full background . But I heard he is a scoundrel . If my parents come to know about this, I will be buried alive. You know our background . I can't face my people at all. Once by mistake, I called him from my mother's cell. He started sending stupid messages to that number. Oh God! What a great mess I am in! Who will save me? Once he had spoken to my boss about me. I am never in love with him.I just chatted with him innocently without any motive . How can he assume that I love him? I don't know his education level. Whatever it is,if my parents learn all these, I will be killed. He is threatening to make a conference call. Tell me Jyothi what can I do? Even I know nothing about his job. Will he not let me free? What harm have I done to him? The only course left for me is to kill myself. When it comes to that I am ready to do that. He is solely responsible. I would write it in my suicide note. "She was literally weeping. Nobody in the bus bothered. Each was eager to reach his destination including me.

Afterwards she called her tormentor and abused him.

"How dare you assume that I am in love with you?

You are a dirty fellow. Keep off. You can not get me at all.  For that matter I will not be in this world at all for you to get me. This is my last talk to you rascal. What harm have I done to you? You may love me. But I don't love you."

The bus stopped at Mekhri circle. I got down and she also. She disappeared into a lane.

But the conversation disturbed me deeply though I do not know her. She must be 25 or 26. Few years younger than my daughters. She appears to be well educated. She also has some good job. She belongs to a respectable family. What crime did she commit? She chatted in Internet with a man. Now he has become her tormentor . I felt very bad when she expressed her intention to take her own life. Had she sought my counsel, I would have advised her. But I would not know how she would have reacted, had I interfered. I felt great sympathy for her situation and prayed God that wisdom should dawn on her. There are many such girls who are blackmailed by such tormentors. Young girls , beware of internet chat with unknown people.

Discretion is the better part of valour.

Sayee Jayaraman 


Tuesday, 17 March 2015

My tutor profile

The above is my tutor profile. I teach French , English , Maths , Physics online. Those who require special coaching may please contact me.

Skype id sayee49

Monday, 23 February 2015


The Nobel laureate of peace , Kailash Satyarthi tells us that the unemployed adults in India are the parents of the unfortunate kids who work by losing their childhood rights. A man does not have a job for some reason or other. But he does not hesitate to send his kids for employment to tide over his difficulties . What a pathetic situation ! Question of sheer survival. No doubt these parents are heartless. They have no shame in sending innocent kids to do hard labour so that the family can survive . When is this situation going to change ? These kids are the future citizens of the country. They are deprived of their childhood . No education ! No play ! No proper food! Whatever little energy they have , it is to do hard labour and the pittance that they get is for survival of their family. What a burden on such innocent shoulders ! Are these kids not deprived of love when they need it the most? What do you expect them to become in years to come ? Will you blame these children if they develop hatred towards the society which treats them so shabbily ? Such discontent in these impressionable minds is very very dangerous . This is a seed sown for the growth of forces which are going to destroy the smug society . Policy makers, politicians, leaders, all those at the helm , please note . When the proportion of discontented children increases in a society, you facilitate the strengthening of the forces which would endanger the stability of the society . History is replete with ample examples. Dear Prime Minister , please do something substantial for our children . Stop sowing the seeds of discontent and unhappiness. What do you want your kids to become ? Don't you want them to be educated in the true sense of the term with a harmonious development of head and heart ? Don't you want them a happy childhood ? Don't you want that the
circumstances conducive to their flowering into good , healthy and enlightened citizens should be created ? If you feel yes, then please act now . It is now or never.

If you neglect them , then you are responsible for facilitating dark forces out of which criminal gangs and terrorist outfits are made.

Please act now , Dear Prime Minister.

Sayee Jayaraman

Saturday, 21 February 2015


What do you expect from a boy of 10?  He is growing up. Exploring everything around.Playful.Mischievous. Boys are Boys. After all,he is a boy. All pranks are excused. Even you enjoy them. A certain liberty is assumed.

But strange is the story of this boy.He was not sick. Very healthy indeed physically. He also played football. He was also going to school. Then what is so unusual about him?

Listen.All on a sudden , he got an idea. He did a thought experiment . We have heard of scientists devising ingenious thought experiments. You may be aware of Einstein's thought experiment of chasing the light and to understand what would be the consequences. The consequences are that he revolutionized our concept of time and space fathering the theory of relativity.

But this boy also revolutionized things in another sense.

He lies down on a bed. Closes his eyes. Assumes that he is dead. In other words , enacts death.

Ok. I am dead.

He keeps all limbs so tight to enact rigor mortis.

Thought process goes on.

Ok . What will happen ?

They will take this body to the cremation ground and cremate. The dead body is reduced to ashes.

Ok . In that process , is everything obliterated ?

Is it the end of everything ?

Is it a complete annihilation ?

Of course many scientists would answer these questions with YES.

But this boy did not get that answer.

Even  when this body is turned into ashes which form part of the physical world , the " I " is still there.It is eternal . That is immortal. That is never destroyed.

He got that Illumination in a flash .

The rest is history.

And that thought experiment gave to the world a remarkable personality who would be a beacon for generations to come. Don't think it is a mythological story. The boy lived in twentieth century. He was none other than RAMANA MAHARSI . We don't know what triggers transformation in individuals.

Sayee Jayaraman

Friday, 20 February 2015

stray thoughts: "'I AM A DOG" - A LINGUISTIC MASSACRE

stray thoughts: "'I AM A DOG" - A LINGUISTIC MASSACRE: No two languages, especially , belonging to different groups , can have a one to one correspondence.What I mean is that you can not transla...


No two languages, especially , belonging to different groups , can have a one to one correspondence.What I mean is that you can not translate word by word from one language under all circumstances and sometimes when you do it , you may say something absurd.

Now let us come to specifics. I take the example of English and French . In the course of a chat for practicing her English, she shocked me with the following pearls.

" I am a dog today"

Puzzled as I was , I was trying to understand this linguistic massacre on the part of my respected friend. It sounded very Kafkasque  when a person in his story wakes up to find himself metamorphosed into a giant insect.

This is what happened. She had already learnt how to say her age in English.

" I am 27 years old "

In English , we use the verb " to be " for telling one's age. Age is a state of being .

But French has a different way of telling one's age. When a French sentence telling one's age is translated word by word into English ,it reads as follows:

" I have 27 years."

Ok. For the French people, it appears that age is a possession. In other words , they use the verb, " to have" to tell one' s age.

So my friend thought that the verb " to be " in English means " to have " in French . Why? Because in French ,they use " to have " for telling one's age.The mistake occurred because she thought that the English " to be" can be used for the French verb, " to have".

  Therefore the French sentence ,

" I have a dog today" was translated as," I am a dog today". Hope you got the point.

In fact ,that day she got a new dog.

Hope you appreciate the difficulty of learning a new language .

One has to be extremely careful in expressing in another language different from his/her mother tongue.

Sayee Jayaraman


stray thoughts: LIFE IS CHEAP HERE . THIS IS INDIA: Life is very cheap here. This is India . I am saddened to learn the tragic end of a man  who accidentally fell into an open drain. To be ex...


Life is very cheap here. This is India . I am saddened to learn the tragic end of a man  who accidentally fell into an open drain. To be exact ,it is near a prominent Garuda Mall in Bangalore. Some infrastructure project is going on. The company undertaking the project is a subsidiary of the French infrastructure major Vinck . The point is that the drain was not covered and those responsible failed in their duty. The result is loss of life. This is one of the hundreds of mishaps taking place with unerring regularity in Indian cities. The civic authorities don't care. There is no accountability. No proper supervision .Our public authorities never learn from their mistakes. The law of torts is also not so well developed as in other western countries and USA. Generally our roads are very bad. The enthusiasm of Mr. Modi for a better India has not percolated to the lower level. Sometimes judicial activism helps. How much can judiciary encroach into the domain of executives ? Executive always needs prodding . A very depressing picture indeed for those who have high hopes on the country in the international arena.

Wednesday, 18 February 2015


A good news,at least for people like me.

Some may feel that it is a bad habit to nap for more than 20 minutes during daytime. Of course many extoll the virtues of a siesta of 20 minutes and not of a longer time. Once you exceed your time limit,they reel out the harmful effects of a longer slumber when you are supposed to be active.

I used to feel very guilty. For the  last several years,even while in active government service, I had been violating the 20 minutes rule with impunity. My siesta exceeds  the prescribed period many times. Even today,I violated the rule. My action added to the weight of guilt already accumulated for several years.

God is great!  Today,  I find that I had not sinned at all. I am totally relieved of my so-called sin, thanks to the findings of a study by NASA.

What does it say?

The study by NASA is endorsed by WEBMD which gives the benefits of napping for different periods.

20 to 30 minutes
30 to 60 minutes
60 to 90 minutes
I come under the last category now. Not when I was in service.  During service,  I was in the second category.

Taking 60 to 90 minutes nap will ensure that you get REM ( Rapid Eye Movement ) sleep and as such, this type of nap is the most beneficial of them all. Once you reach REM sleep,it's almost as if the brain resets itself. One could say that it is like starting at the beginning itself. Studies have shown that a 60 to 90 minutes nap can have a dramatic effect on the brain in terms of problem solving. Here also NASA has conducted their own studies and land up with the same result.

I feel as if I have been exonerated from a very serious charge.I hope no other study in future will contradict NASA findings.

Now I can nap free of guilt  and even advocate it for all.

Sayee Jayaraman

Tuesday, 17 February 2015


It appears that the Honorable Prime Minister Modi , has condemned the religious intolerance prevailing in some sections of our society ,in the context of recent attacks on Christian Institutions.Well done Modiji.  Better late than never.

I am in total agreement with Jiddu Krishnamurti when he says that organized religions are the bane of every society. They divide man from man. Universal brotherhood and organized religions can not coexist . One negates the other. History is witness to atrocities in the name of religion.

Religion or faith should be left to the individual . It is a matter of your conscience. Believe in anything which appeals to you. But don't say that what you believe is the last word. And don't say that anyone who does not agree with you should be eliminated.Don't organize your belief. That is the greatest danger to everyone.

Find security in your intelligence. Not in any other isms. 

When you find security in religion, language, nationality, community , caste and so on, you have started warring with others who don't belong to your system.

It is very clear. 

Truth has many sides.

Sayee Jayaraman 

Saturday, 14 February 2015


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Sayee Jayaraman 

Friday, 13 February 2015

Shame on you America !

My blood boils when I watch the above video . No human being can be treated like this, no matter what his nationality, skin, color , language and religion are . America, your policemen have to be taught the basics of your constitution . Apart from their brute strength, they appear to be veritable
ignoramuses. Are these policemen a law unto themselves?

Aurobindo  spoke about human evolution in the sense of man reaching a state of divinity to a higher realm where animality is fully conquered . No , Aurobindo , you are wrong . What is happening there in America, it is evolution in reverse. Going backwards. How to descend  to a state worse than that of a brute?Then see this Alabama video where the most powerful nation is attacking an unarmed 57 year old person. These policemen have no conscience . Is it the way they are trained in their Police Academy ?  America owes an answer to the civilized world.

Eye for eye.

Tooth for tooth.

These brutes of policemen deserve to be proceeded with such a law.

They deserve little sympathy.

For several reasons, we admire America , the land of liberty , of equal opportunity which inspires everyone to realize the American dream.

But, alas ! This hour , America has slipped down several fathoms deep in my esteem.

Honorable President of USA, are you aware of what is happening under your dispensation ?

Sayee Jayaraman




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Thank you all for your encouragement.

Sayee Jayaraman



What are you doing Shri. Modi?

As I write these lines, TV is reporting a news item of an attack by vandals on a school run by Christian minorities in Delhi, the capital of the country. This is a very disturbing news. Sometime back, a church was attacked.  Madness!   Is there a method in this madness?  Who are behind this attack?  Unless swift action is taken to bring the goons to book, the needle of suspicion will point to the ruling BJP.  It will further dent the image of the government, the ruling party and the prime minister. America is intolerant.  Are we better? 

It is time that the powers that be,

looked into their conscience,if they have one.

Sayee Jayaraman


Thursday, 12 February 2015


MAKING of gods / goddesses  - An Indian Obsession

Narendra Modi is the present prime minister of India. His is a remarkable story. A man who rose from humble beginnings to great heights. One can learn a lot from him. He is remarkable. An inspiration to all. Especially to those who are in dire circumstances and want to make it in life. He is extraordinary . Many more superlatives are available in English and other languages to describe him.

So far so good.

But he is not a GOD. But some of his admirers have built a temple for him with an idol and all that forming part of a Hindu temple.

The glad news is that Modi disapproved of this foolish action saying that this is very much against the Hindu tradition. Rightly so. Anybody who achieves something which you and I can  not is not a God. It is utter nonsense. Right sense prevailed on Modi !

It was Lord Chesterton who said


Deification of men/ women into gods/ goddesses is too much in India. There are instances of temples being built for film actors and actresses. Hero worship is stretched to ridiculous extremes in India. When a film actor and ex chief minister of a state in India died after prolonged illness , several people committed suicide by self immolation. When another former actress, ex chief minister of Tamilnadu was convicted for corruption, many of her admirers self immolated. Have you heard of this anywhere in this world ?

Such admirers mortgage their critical faculty in return for God only knows what!

Sayee Jayaraman





Imagine a garden with the same plant everywhere , same flowers, same color !I would rather prefer a garden with a variety of plants , flowers of different hues and colors !
Variety is the spice of life ! We want to eat different types of food . We want to listen to different songs, not the same one ! Don't think the entire world should be filled only with Caucasian skin. Don't treat the non - Caucasian skins as inferior beings . Martin Luther King would not have liked what happened to an Indian in Alabama , a few days back. Americans should hang their heads in shame considering how their police brutally attacked an innocent Indian ! What a cowardly act !  Are you a nation where Abraham Lincoln was born , lived and achieved what he achieved?  Where is your Constitution ? Where are the lofty ideals which you preach ad nauseam to the rest of the world ?


America needs to learn this lesson !

Sayee Jayaraman





Often they say , " One swallow does not a summer make " . But the frequency of appearance of swallows is increasing . Then you feel that summer is really there. Likewise certain incidents of American Police make me think that America is still intolerant and does not treat certain races in a just manner in spite of the lofty ideals of the Founding Fathers. The presence of President Obama has not made any difference in the attitude of American police towards people of certain ethnicity.

Today' s newspaper has a report with the following headlines.

" US cops leave Indian temporarily paralyzed "

A 57 year old man comes to Alabama to help his son and daughter-in - law with their 17 month-old child. Someone in the neighborhood complains to the police of a suspicious character prying into the garages of other people. Suffice it to say that the police reacted with excessive force leaving the man paralyzed. The man knew only Hindi and Gujarati. His knowledge of English was limited. The Attorney told the local press that there is nothing suspicious about that man other than that his skin is brown.

These types of incidents are reported with unfailing regularity. In recent times, umpteen incidents of killing by American police of blacks on the basis of mere suspicion have been reported. All that prompted me to give the title for this post as, " INTOLERANT AMERICA ".

Are lives of colored  people so cheap in the greatest democracy of the world which preaches from the roof top to the rest of the world ? Is the President of USA unable effect a change in the attitude of the administration towards the non-Caucasian skins ?

Is the goddess of justice looking the other way ?

Sayee Jayaraman

Wednesday, 11 February 2015




Dazzling victory indeed for a nascent political party that is AAP. Equally  a very shameful defeat for Narendra Modi ! I believe a cartoonist put all the three elected members of the BJP in a scooter ! They are the only opposition in an assembly of 70. What a reversal of fortunes!In the general election held in 2014, AAP did not even get one seat. BJP was riding on the Modi wave ,capturing power at the centre. Modi's invincibility is indeed dented.

But please don't write him off. Just as Delhi people pardoned KEJRIWAL for his rash action of quitting in the middle, people may pardon the mistakes of Narendra Modi. To err is human. He committed a lot of blunders. He is not able to put a stop to the communal agenda of his brethren. One may even suspect his secret motives , given what happened in Gujarat during his regime. The personality cult is a bit more. Too much of image cultivation. Sartorial extravaganza of a person who rose from being a tea maker to Prime Minister of a great democracy donning a suit costing one million rupees !  Does it go well with the painful fact of common man struggling to have a tolerable life ? Much gap between thought and deed.

The Delhi verdict is a pointer . BJP and Modi , better learn from their mistakes and start firefighting before their dwelling is engulfed in flames to be reduced to ashes. It is not too late.
Start in earnest in fulfilling your election promises. Leave freedom of conscience to individuals. Curb the activities of people who kindle the flames of religious bigotry. Hinduism does not need a militant posture.

If you act in time, you shall regain your lost glory !

Sayee Jayaraman





Elsewhere in this blog, I wrote an appreciation of the film , " The Theory of Everything " which is a biopic on Stephen Hawkins, a great theoretical physicist. This film is on another genius ," Alan Turing " who laid the foundation of theoretical computer science. Really a tragic story of a brilliant mind. Kudos to Benedict Cumberbatch  who incarnates as Alan Turing wonderfully . What great acting !  It was Alan Turing who cracked the German secret code , " Enigma " during the Second World War and hastened the successful completion of the war by the Allied forces. The Allies owe their victory in no small measure due to the efforts of Turing in decoding the Enigma . He showed that more than muscles, brain is essential to win the war. Turing test is about whether a machine can imitate human intelligence. When a machine passes the Turing Test it is as good as Human. Artificial  intelligence were laid on strong theoretical foundations by Alan Turing. It is said that his efforts saved thousands of lives.

What  sad destiny awaits this remarkable mind ! Criminal proceedings were initiated against him for indecent behavior .His only fault was that nature gave him a sexual orientation different from the majority . He shared the same fate as that of Oscar Wilde, another genius of a writer. While Wilde languished in prison, Turing chose to undergo hormonal treatment , euphemism for castration ,in lieu of two years imprisonment . That treatment devastated him.
One can not contain his/ her tears when Turing asks his boss, " Am I a machine ? Am I a human being ? Am I a criminal ?  A sensitive mind, he ended his life within one year of the hormonal treatment . He was only 41. Were he spared a longer life, what all he could have achieved .

A genius who saved thousands of lives had to end his life prematurely , thanks to the barbaric legislation in vogue during those days in Great Britain .

What is the use of a posthumous pardon to him by the Queen in the twenty first century ?

Who is to pardon whom ?

It is the barbaric legal system which should beg for pardon.

A great film not to be missed !

Sayee Jayaraman

Tuesday, 10 February 2015




Politics is not my cup of tea. But you can't help watching the political games being played in the country .  What a great democracy !  In the wake of the elections to the Delhi State Assembly , I pen these lines . An infant political party , established hardly less than two years back has achieved phenomenal victory. The party is known as AAM ADMI PARTY. Roughly translated , it means COMMON MAN' S PARTY.  The leader of the party is one ARVIND KEJRIWAL .  He is a former bureaucrat of the Indian Revenue Service. A man of great idealism,he was earlier part of a movement of ANNA HAZARE , a Gandhian  who spearheaded a countrywide campaign against corruption . Later KEJRIWAL   felt that only through participation in governance , one can change society. So he along with like minded people founded AAP. During December 2013, the party contested elections in Delhi for the first time and captured power , of course with the support of Indian National Congress. Within 49 days of taking over as Chief Minister of Delhi, he quit power on the ground that there is not much support from other parties for anti - corruption legislation. There was criticism of his rash action. It was believed that he wasted a wonderful opportunity given to him to change the state of things in Delhi. During the short period , he reduced the electricity tariff and brought relief to the common man. His sincerity was never doubted. After his resignation, many believed that he could never recapture power.

But today's results of Delhi election falsified the opinions of those who had written him off. The candidate for Chief Minister set up by the formidable BJP of Narendra Modi is
Kiran Bedi , another well known personality , who was a very high profile woman police officer of Indian Police Service.  We thought that it would be a neck to neck fight. BJP used all its resources to fight AAP.  The MODI camp made Herculean efforts to win the election.
Modi made many uncharitable comments against ARVIND KEJRIWAL. He called him an anarchist and Naxalite. The chief ministerial candidate Kiran Bedi was very arrogant and refused to have a TV debate with KEJRIWAL  and uttered  uncomplimentary remarks against him.

But the AAP worked quietly . There were restrained in their attack against their opponents.
The young members of the party worked at grass root levels and convinced the suffering population of their ability to change things. Delhi people are fed up with corruption at all levels. The common man's life is a hell. People wanted change. Modi's oratory , at best , is an entertainment . Entertainment comes only after bread and butter. People are wise. Out of 70 seats , AAP won 67 seats. BJP managed to get only 3. What a shameful performance for a party which seven months back took India by storm by MODI wave. Surely Modi' s victory was also phenomenal in 2014.  But today' s Delhi Assembly Election result is a sort of referendum on Modi' s performance . It is a warning signal for BJP and MODI. The Modi honeymoon is over. BJP should introspect . They should do more and speak less. Religion should be left to individuals. Communal tensions should not be created. Religious minorities should not be persecuted.  Delhi election is an indicator that tells thpeople are not impressed with Modi and BJP . Indian National Congress which was in power in Delhi for three consecutive terms is decimated in this election . They should also learn a lesson.

Mr .KEJRIWAL and AAP should strive in earnest to fulfill all their promises. If not they will also be taught a lesson by the people at the right time.

Indian Electorate can not be taken for granted.

No party or leader can be complacent resting on his or her laurels.

Power comes with great responsibility.

All leaders should realize this.


Sayee Jayaraman


Saturday, 7 February 2015


Dear Friends,

This is a very beautiful prayer to the universal Spirit by the Sage Thayumanavar who lived in Tamilnad in 18 the century . There is nothing sectarian in this prayer. It is couched in poetic Tamil . A great challenge in translating in French and English . Again it is not a literal translation . I tried my best to bring out the message of this poem in both the languages . My aim is that people other than Tamil knowing public should benefit from the thoughts contained therein. I call this a UNIVERSAL PRAYER.

Bonjour  à tous et à toutes,

Voici un poème tamoul à l'Esprit Universel  par le sage Thaayumanavar . Il habite Tamilnad au 18 ième  siècle . Rien de sectaire dans cette prière . La forme de cette prière est en tamoul poétique . Un défi en la traduisant en français et en anglais . J'ai fait mon mieux pour dégager le sens de ce poème . Je veux que tout le monde qui ne sait pas tamoul apprécie le sens de ce poème . Je le baptise, " LA PRIÈRE UNIVERSELLE "

அங்கிங் கெனாதபடி  எங்கும் ப்ரகாசமாய்
      ஆனந்த பூர்த்தியாகி
  அருளடு  நிறைந்ததெது தன்னருள் வெளிக்குளே
      அகிலாண்ட கோடியெல்லாந்
தங்கும் படிக்கிச்சை வைத்துயிர்க் குயிராய்த்
       தழைத்ததெது மனவாக்கினில்
  தட்டாமல் நின்றதெது சமயகோ டிகளெலாந்
       தந்தெய்வம் எந்தெய்வமென்
றெங்குந் தொடர்ந்தெதிர் வழக்கிடவும் நின்றதெது
       எங்கணும் பெருவழக்காய்
  யாதினும் வல்லவொரு சித்தாகி இன்பமாய்
       என்றைக்கு முள்ள தெதுஅது
கங்குல்பக லறநின்ற எல்லையுள தெதுஅது
       கருத்திற் கிசைந்ததுவே
  கண்டன வெலாமோன வுருவெளிய தாகவுங்
       கருதிஅஞ் சலிசெய்குவாம்.  

En français

Ne dis pas , " C'est  ici "
Ne dis pas , " C'est là "
Pas ici, pas là , ça brille partout
Comble de joie,
Plein de grâce , c'est quoi ?
Son espace de grâce , y
Demeure - t - il l'univers entier ,
sa volonté
Crée -t-elle l'âme des êtres .
C'est quoi ?
Au-delà de l'esprit et la parole ,

En restant hors de notre portée
Ça existe , c'est quoi ?
Des religions innombrables
En le réclamant comme son seul Dieu
Se querellent sans cesse partout
Devenant le plus fort esprit
Et encore la joie
Existant éternellement ,
C'est quoi ?
Ni jour ni nuit ne connaît - il
Sans aucune limite,
C'est quoi ?
Ça demeure indéfinissable
Mais en harmonie avec notre pensée
Partout où on le voie
C'est la forme du silence pur
C'est ça que nous adorons !


Neither here nor there
It shines everywhere
Pinnacle of joy , full of grace
Tell me what is it ?
Its benign space , true to
Its will, contains the universe whole
Becoming the soul of all souls
Tell me what is it ?
Beyond mind, beyond word
Yonder beyond our reach
It exists
Tell me what is it ?
Faiths galore claim
It's my own God
Endless quarrel everywhere
But It exists still untouched
Everywhere !
Becoming the most powerful mind
And joyous
Existing eternally.
Tell me, what is IT ?
It abides in a region of
Neither day nor light
Tell me what is IT ?
That indescribable substance
Accords with our ideal.
Everywhere we see
It is the form of SILENCE PURE
IT is that we adore !

Sayee Jayaraman



Nothing gives gives me greater joy than learning something new. As a child, I used to have an insatiable appetite for knowledge,a normal trait in any kid. It was my father who taught me the rudiments of planetary system /stars an exciting subject for anybody. Those days, we had a Children's Encyclopedia with marvelous illustrations and simple explanations on many subjects.  I used to browse through it and to a certain extent, it was one of my first teachers besides my father.

Our house was a veritable library. For the first time,I was admitted to the fourth standard in a school. Till such time, my education was at home in an informal way. An English conversation manual was my first English teacher.  The text was bilingual in English and Tamil. I picked up a lot from that book.

From sixth to the eleventh standard, I studied in school at Coimbatore.Although there were many capable teachers,it was to Mr.S.Krishnamurthy, my class teacher, I owe a debt of deep gratitude.  He noticed that I was above average and encouraged me in every way to excel. When I was in eighth standard, I could solve mathematical problems of higher Don't think i am pretending to be a Ramanujan.  He used to give me standard textbooks on mathematics authored by British professors and encouraged me to acquire a remarkable proficiency in mathematics.That gave me immense satisfaction. I used to win prizes every year for proficiency in almost all subjects.

My elder brother Viswanath was a teacher.  He encouraged me to participate in all elocution competitions in Tamil and English. I won several prizes. The training in elocution stood me in good stead during my career as a civil servant in the government. I was invited to speak on very many occasions. I developed an ability to speak extempore on several subjects. I had given four radio talks in Visakhapatnam.

When I was in pre-university, we had a mathematics professor, Mr.Mahadevan.Except in a blue shirt and a dhoti, no one has seen him in any other dress. A simple man,he had a knack of solving complex problems in his inimitable elegant way. Even today, I remember his methods of solving certain problems in trigonometry. The professor never moved closely with the students. He would come on time, start getting busy with the chalk and blackboard filling it with mathematical symbols and leave the class at the right time. But he was indeed an outstanding teacher.

I developed a taste for reading books other than school text books thanks to my mother.A voracious reader,she used to collect several magazines and get the articles on various subjects bound in several volumes. It was she who gave me twenty rupees (a princely sum those days) as deposit to join the public library. Reading books becomes an addiction. Even today, I am addicted to books. Remember each book is my teacher, albeit a silent one.

During my studies in Engineering college,there used to be a junior lecturer Selvaraj who could explain concepts in electronics with astounding clarity. There was one K S Krishnamurthy who taught physics in a brilliant manner. These teachers have the knack of inspiring students.

In 1986,when I was a deputy collector, I started learning French by first joining an evening college and later the Central Institute of English and Foreign Languages, Hyderabad.I came across remarkable teachers during that period. Dr.K S. Sastry who taught us linguistics is an outstanding teacher. I preserved his notes for a long time.  Unfortunately, during my frequent transfers,they were lost. Still I remember his clear exposition of Noam Chomsky 's Generative Grammar. DR.Nirupama Rastogi taught us French Phonetics.Thanks to her teaching, my French is going strong though a late bloomer I was at thirty five.

The list would not be exhausted at all,as our teachers are endless. When you are attentive and observant, you can learn from anything and everything.  We owe a lot to our teachers in the school of life.Rightly, teachers are compared to the rungs of ladders which help us to climb up while they rest in their place.

Don't think that only human beings can be your teachers. The following immortal words of Wordsworth always echo in my mind.
One impulse from a vernal wood
May teach you more of man
And of moral good and of evil
Than all the sages can.

Friday, 6 February 2015


   What is in a name ?

Those days I used to pursue my French course with all seriousness in The Central Institute of English and Foreign languages , Hyderabad. Every year, we were required to be in the institute for eight weeks for the contact programme.  In the course of the year, we would send our monthly assignements and get back the corrected answer sheets. We were quite friendly with the administrative staff of the institute. This piece is concerned with my unintended brush with one of the staff.

No doubt the gentleman has a name. All my problem has originated because of his name. I don't agree with Shakespeare when he says, "What is in a name? A rose is a rose is a rose by whatever name  it is called. It was late December 1986.I was busy sending New Year Greeting cards to all my friends.  This gentleman was also in my list.  He was actually the personal secretary to the Director. I promptly sent a card to him so that by first January he could receive it.

During the first week of January,  I started receiving letters of thanks from many people to whom I sent the greetings.
But the letter from the gentleman was different in its tone and tenor. Will you believe that he was greatly hurt by whatever I sent to him? This is what had happened.

On the envelope, I spelt his name as Muhammad Zaleel. The culprit in this episode is the single letter "Z".Instead of putting sugar in the tea, if you put cyanide, imagine what would happen. The man was furious. He shot off an angry missive which breathed  fire and brimstone. The word Zaleel has very bad connotation, referring to worst characters. He was actually JALEEL and not Zaleel. Remember 
Jaleel has the opposite meaning . It means , " exalted " 

Ignorance of law is no excuse.

Similarly, ignorance of language is no excuse.

I am surely guilty of taking JALEEL to be Zaleel.

The unfortunate episode taught me  to be very careful in using languages.

Sayee Jayaraman 


Thursday, 5 February 2015

Do you love your children ?

A very disturbing trend !  Do you really love your children ? It is very nice to know about children with remarkable abilities. Often newspapers carry articles about child prodigies . A child of five has phenomenal memory. Another performs extremely difficult calculations in a trice. There are kids with unusual musical talent. And so on. Fine! But at the same time, we learn several tragic stories also. A boy of eight has failed in his maths paper. His parents react in a bizarre manner. He was locked up and denied food. Sensitive as he is and hurt, the boy takes his own life. Extreme action / reaction on the part of each side. This is just one example. In a family , one child is very bright academically. Another child is not so much endowed. You start comparing one with the other. The psychological damage has already been done. Ambition of parents knows no bounds. They want to mould their children according to their own whims. They drive their kids to hell. My child should excel in everything . Academics, sports, music etc. They don't try to find out the inclination of the child. The child has to go for special coaching in maths, science and English. He has to attend music class. Tennis coaching and so on. Where is the time ? The child has no time for rest and relaxation . My child should get into the best engineering college or IIT. Apart from attending regular college, students attend coaching institutes both in the morning and the evening. Where does all this lead to ? A rat race !  Ambition ! Success at any cost ! Competition ! In this rat race, many are left out with severe psychological damage . We are very impatient . We don't have time to understand our child. We want to fulfill our desires / ambitions through our child. Therefore, it is our will imposed on them. Is it alright ? Why everyone should be an engineer or computer scientist ? At the bottom of it, the motive will be money. It is really unfortunate . 

A Child is not a robot. He has his likes / dislikes ,innate potential for something and not some other thing which you like. He is interested in art. He does not like to do maths. This is a big problem. Understand that each individual is unique. Do not try to mould him into a pattern of your whimsical desires. Try to discover the innate potential of your child. Then help him to develop it. Create an environment which is conducive to the overall development of the child. Your aim should be a harmonious development of head and heart. World needs not only great intellects but good hearts also. An agnostic like Bertrand Russell , a man of no small intellect, 
,finally extolled the greatness of human love . His passion for love was as great as his passion for philosophy. So if you love your child, you will have a different approach to bringing him up. A lopsided development is no good.

Sayee Jayaraman 



"Je Descends Du Singe"
I descend from monkey

Il y a des jours de litanie où les uns jouent avec l'ennui
Des jours de silence où les ombres pensent.
Il y a des jours de solitude, le cœur bat plus que d'habitude.
J'suis blanc comme un linge, je descends du singe.

Et je descends dans la rue parmi les gens perdus.
Je vais, sur la jetée, parler au vent salé.
Je vis dans ma bouteille, je bois jusqu'au soleil.
Je vole jusqu'à la lie des mille et une nuits, ah !
J'suis blanc comme un linge, je descends du singe.

Il y a des jours où tout me manques, des heures où le bonheur se planque
Des jours de torture qui ont la dent dure.
Il y a des jours de manquer d'air, à deux doigts de se foutre en l'air.
J'suis blanc comme un linge, je descends du singe.

Et je descends dans la rue parmi les gens perdus.

Je vais, sur la jetée, parler au vent salé.
Je vis dans ma bouteille, je bois jusqu'au soleil.
Je vole jusqu'à la lie des mille et une nuits, ah !
J'suis blanc comme un linge, je descends du singe.

Il y a des jours mal dans leur peau, qui ne trouvent pas le repos
Des journées entières qui partent en arrière.

Et je descends dans la rue parmi les gens perdus.
Je vais, sur la jetée, parler au vent salé.
Je vis dans ma bouteille, je bois jusqu'au soleil.
Je vole jusqu'à la lie des mille et une nuits, ah !
J'suis blanc comme un linge, je descends du singe.

Il y a des jours à te chercher sur les ruines de mon passé.
J'suis blanc comme un linge, je descends du singe.
Je descends du singe, je descends du singe. descends du singe.


1.Days when one is saddled with litany of worries
Days of silence when just shadows think.
Days of solitude when heart beats faster
Me white like a sheet,, I descend from monkey.

2. I go down the street amongst lost beings
I go on the jetty to talk to the salty wind.
I live with my bottle , drink till daybreak .
I fly till the end of thousand and one nights, ah!
Me white like a sheet,I descend from monkey.

3. Days when I miss everything , when happiness escapes
Days of torture with sharp fangs.
Days without air, in a trice flying into air
Me white like a sheet, I descend from monkey.

4. Refrain - 2

5. Days when I don't feel good, without getting rest
Whole days which move backwards.

6. Refrain - 2.

7. Days searching you amidst the ruins of my bygone days
Me white like a sheet,I descend from monkey
From monkey and from monkey,
From monkey I descend.
Send "Je Descends Du Singe" Ringtone to your Mobile

Sayee Jayaraman
From monkey I descend.
Send "Je Descends Du Singe" Ringtone to your Mobile


Today's Times of India newspaper is with me. Early morning ,I just glanced it through. After lunch, I thought of  reading each news item.It does not take much time. One report caught my attention . It is entitled , " Cancer brought out the best in me". It is about a scientist who headed the Indian Mars Mission and achieved tremendous success in spite of the fact that a few years back he was diagnosed with rectal cancer. Even at that time, he was part of the Chandyayana ( Moon) mission. Of course, he was devastated . Cruel fate challenged him. As though telling him, " What do you say now ? Your days are numbered. ". But the scientist did not lose heart . When cancer challenged him, he challenged it. He had many many things to accomplish . A diehard optimist, he did exactly what was to be done. He was completely cured . The medical condition did not deter him from rising to the occasion and manifesting his full potential . He accepted the challenge of heading the Mars Mission. He never told the government not to burden him with more responsibility . Any other person would have avoided such challenging task. But not Subbaiah Arunan. Made of sterner stuff, he faced the challenge . He accomplished his mission. Remember , India is the first country to successfully land a spacecraft in Mars in the very first attempt within an incredibly cheap budget which I call " peanuts". They say the budget is much less than the cost of some Hollywood science fiction movies. The government of India honoured him, rightly so, with a Padmasri Award.

Sometime back, while commenting on the film , " The theory of everything ", I wrote that Stephen Hawkins is an example and inspiration for all, and especially , for young people. There are several such heros in this world whom we do not know. I shall add Subbaiah Arunan to the list of people who challenged adverse circumstances to show their mettle. A meaningful, exciting, fulfilling life is not a placid one. It challenges you at every stage. Challenge the challenge . That is what we learn from such persons. Their lives are veritable tonic to many about to be defeated by temporary setbacks .